We Welcome You
Ketav’s Ayush Health Paradise - A step towards Aliveness
Place to Heal, Harmonise & Nurture Your Body, Mind & Soul.
Transform Your Health with the Healing Touch of PanchaKarma Treatment.
Welcome to Ketav’s Ayush Health Paradise. A Classical Ayurvedic Panchkarma Centre in the foot hills of Himalayas. Come to enjoy holistic wellness in the lap of mother nature. A place where one can Detoxify and Rejuvenate physically and mentally. We follow the ancient techniques of Ayurveda for healing with wisdom of Classical Panchkarma Therapies.
Panchakarma treatments came from ancient Ayurveda. panchakarma therapies or treatments are used to treat many diseases like asthma , diabetes, spinal disorders etc,As this treatment is derived from Ayurveda so no harmful medications are used in these treatments.
Panchakarma therapists uses various techniques like VAMAN, VIRECHAN, BASTI etc to treat many human body disorders .
Panchakarma therapies can be use to:
- Detox the body
- Relax body and mind,
- Weight reduction
- Maintain Metabolic balance
- Strengthen nervous systems
And all these treatments are done by using herbal ayurvedic oils and herbs which helps to solve the problem from the root cause so that it can be permanently cured.
Ketav’s Ayush Health Paradise is a healing Ayurvedic PanchKarma Center located in the lap of Mother Nature and the holy foot of divine Himalaya. As per Ayurveda, “Healthy body” doesn’t mean only a disease-free body; it is a healthy state and balance between Dosha (bodily humor), Dhatu (tissues ), Agni ( digestive fire ), and Malkriya ( excretion of excreta Our Panchkarma Treatment has Amazing Influence on the Human Body , including the soul, sense organ , and mina. We Provide Best Ayurveda Treatment in Himachal. Additionally, we provide Panchkarma Treatment Packages.
The Essence of PanchKarma
Panchakarma is a unique technique of healing, detoxifying, and rejuvenating the body. This ancient therapy is not limited to one particular system or disease; instead, it offers a holistic treatment for the body, mind, and consciousness, cleansing and rejuvenating them. If you’re searching for an Ayurvedic doctor near me, Panchakarma is an ideal therapy to restore balance and vitality.
We at Ketav’s Ayush Health Paradise practice classical Panchkarma procedure as main line of treatment. We deal with all acute and chronic health conditions, told treatable or manageable in Ayurveda. Panchkarma has few prior procedure called poorav karma , the main treatment is called as pradhan karma and is followed by some post procedures known as Paschat karma.
A well planned approach to root off pathology and achieving the natural balance of body mind and soul is the basic treatment protocol at our centre.
Our team is well qualified and experienced in all five Karmas, which are-
- Vamanam (Theraputic Emisis)
- Virechana (Purgation)
- Vasti (Enema by using medicated oil)
- Nasya (Nasal deoxidation)
- Rakt Mokshana (Therapeutic Blood Letting)
An initial in-depth consultation with a trained Ayurvedic Vaidya is the first step in your Panchakarma treatment India. During this consultation, the Vaidya will examine your physical, mental, and emotional well-being to determine your individual constitution, which is a combination of the three dynamic living forces. It establishes the type of physique you possess and identifies any imbalances you currently have. Following a thorough study, our Vaidya creates a course of therapies along with an individualized programme of daily activities, dietary restrictions, restorative exercises, and wellness practices.
Ketav’sAyush Health Paradise- A Holistic Wellness center
Our Panchkarma Centre in Himachal is well equipped with experienced Ayurvedic physicians who are well versed in Ayurveda and expertise in Panchkarma , along with a trained team of therapists are well experienced in all Ayurvedic therapies with the basic knowledge of Ayurvedic principles.
We follow Ayurvedic principles for diagnose, prevention and treatment. We believes and follow ancient Ayurvedic methods of healing, like Panchkarma , Shamna therapies , agnikarma , kshara karma , nidan parivarjna ,Pathya Ahara, homa ,tapa , langhna – upvasa, deepana – pachna , vishaghna ,Raksha vidhana ,yog sadhna, Ahara , bhihar, santarpana- aptarpana, Rasayana,magal dharna , satvajya etc.
Additionally, Ketav’s Ayush Health Paradise is situated in the lap of the Himalayas. The pure environment and the most potent and unique herbs, sourced directly from the Himalayas, make it the best choice for rejuvenation and healing. We offer exceptional Panchakarma treatment, providing a holistic approach to well-being. As a top-rated and well-reputed Panchakarma Centre in Himachal, India, we are an ideal choice for those seeking authentic Ayurvedic therapies. Our center is perfect for your wellness journey, whether you are from a neighboring location or elsewhere in India or the globe.
Acharya Sushrutha Says, about Utam chikitasa – means best treatment. He says the best treat is one, which subsides or pacifies the disease for which it is given but does not cause any other disease.
Our whole team put best efforts to provide you the complete healing with wisdom of great science of life “The Ayurveda.”
We Welcome You
Ketav’s Ayush Health Paradise - A step towards Aliveness
Place to Heal, Harmonise & Nurture Your Body, Mind & Soul.
Welcome to Ketav’s Ayush Health Paradise. A Classical Ayurvedic Panchkarma Centre in the foot hills of Himalayas. Come to enjoy holistic wellness in the lap of mother nature. A place where one can Detoxify and Rejuvenate physically and mentally. We follow the ancient techniques of Ayurveda for healing with wisdom of Classical Panchkarma Therapies.
Ketav’s Ayush Health Paradise is a healing Ayurvedic PanchKarma Center located in the lap of Mother Nature and the holy foot of divine Himalaya. As per Ayurveda, “Healthy body” doesn’t mean only a disease-free body; it is a healthy state and balance between Dosha (bodily humor), Dhatu (tissues ), Agni ( digestive fire ), and Malkriya ( excretion of excreta Our Panchkarma Treatment has Amazing Influence on the Human Body , including the soul, sense organ , and mina. We Provide Best Ayurveda Treatment in Himachal
The Essence of PanchKarma
Panchkarma is a unique technique of healing, by detoxifying and rejuvenating the body. This is an ancient therapy not only for one particular system or for one particular disease. Panchakarma is a treatment program for the body, mind and consciousness that cleanses and rejuvenates.
We at Ketav’s Ayush Health Paradise practice classical Panchkarma procedure as main line of treatment. We deal with all acute and chronic health conditions, told treatable or manageable in Ayurveda. Panchkarma has few prior procedure called poorav karma , the main treatment is called as pradhan karma and is followed by some post procedures known as Paschat karma.
A well planned approach to root off pathology and achieving the natural balance of body mind and soul is the basic treatment protocol at our centre.
Our team is well qualified and experienced in all five Karmas, which are–
- Vamanam (Theraputic Emisis)
- Virechana (Purgation)
- Vasti (Enema by using medicated oil)
- Nasya (Nasal deoxidation)
- Rakt Mokshana (Therapeutic Blood Letting)
An initial in-depth consultation with a trained Ayurvedic Vaidya is the first step in your PanchKarma treatment. During this consultation, the Vaidya will examine your physical, mental, and emotional well-being to determine your individual constitution, which is a combination of the three dynamic living forces. It establishes the type of physique you possess. And what imbalances do you currently have? Following thorough study, our vaidya creates a course of therapies as well as an individual programme of daily activities, dietary restrictions, restorative exercises, and wellness practises.
Ketav’sAyush Health Paradise- A Holistic Wellness center
Our Panchkarma Centre in Himachal is well equipped with experienced Ayurvedic physicians who are well versed in Ayurveda and expertise in Panchkarma , along with a trained team of therapists are well experienced in all Ayurvedic therapies with the basic knowledge of Ayurvedic principles.
We follow Ayurvedic principles for diagnose, prevention and treatment. We believes and follow ancient Ayurvedic methods of healing, like Panchkarma , Shamna therapies , agnikarma , kshara karma , nidan parivarjna ,Pathya Ahara, homa ,tapa , langhna – upvasa, deepana – pachna , vishaghna ,Raksha vidhana ,yog sadhna, Ahara , bhihar, santarpana- aptarpana, Rasayana,magal dharna , satvajya etc.
Additionally, Ketav’s Ayush Health Paradise is situated in the lap of Himalayas. The pure environment and most potent and unique herbs right from the Himalayas make it the best choice for rejuvenating and healing. We are the top-rated and well-repudiated Ayurvedic Panchkarma Centre in Himachal, India; even if you are not from a neighbouring location, our centre is the ideal choice for you if you are located in India or anywhere in the globe
Acharya Sushrutha Says, about Utam chikitasa – means best treatment. He says the best treat is one, which subsides or pacifies the disease for which it is given but does not cause any other disease.
Our whole team put best efforts to provide you the complete healing with wisdom of great science of life “The Ayurveda.”
Our Panchkarma Services
In Ayurveda, Diabetes is known as Madhumeha (Madhu means ‘honey’ and Meha means ‘urine’). Medhumeha is
Asthma is a disease of the human respiratory system in which the airways narrow, often in response to a trigger such as exposure to an
Treatment of cancer by Ayurveda is very in-depth and holistic in its approach. Ayurveda treats the disease according to the specific
According to Ayurveda, Arthritis is caused by impaired digestion, due to improper dietary habits and a sedentary lifestyle, as well as
Skin Diseases
According to Ayurveda, the skin has seven layers, located not only superficially but extending to the deeper levels of the body.
Muscular Dystrophy
Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a genetic disorder that weakens the muscles. A person suffering from MD has incorrect or missing information
In Ayurveda, Diabetes is known as Madhumeha (Madhu means ‘honey’ and Meha means ‘urine’). Medhumeha is
Asthma is a disease of the human respiratory system in which the airways narrow, often in response to a trigger such as exposure to an
Treatment of cancer by Ayurveda is very in-depth and holistic in its approach. Ayurveda treats the disease according to the specific
According to Ayurveda, Arthritis is caused by impaired digestion, due to improper dietary habits and a sedentary lifestyle, as well as
Skin Diseases
According to Ayurveda, the skin has seven layers, located not only superficially but extending to the deeper levels of the body.
Muscular Dystrophy
Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a genetic disorder that weakens the muscles. A person suffering from MD has incorrect or missing information
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which
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