Ayurvedic medicine is one of the oldest healing system in the world. It originated in the ancient civilization of India which was documented 5000 years ago. Ayurveda in Sanskrit means knowledge of life. Panchkarma is based on the central concept of Ayurveda, that disease is caused by the build-up of toxins which cause an imbalance in the three doshas with body, mind and soul complex.
Panchkarma - A Complete Ayurvedic Detoxification and Cleansing Programme
- Panchkarma is primary purification and detoxification treatment. Panchkarma is derived from two words i.e. PANCH meaning five and KARMA meaning steps(cleansing procedures). These five procedures of eliminating toxins from the body are Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Basti and Raktamokshana. This series of five procedures help to remove deep rooted toxins from the body thereby balancing the doshas(energies that govern all biological functions).
- According to Ayurvedic medicine, a person’s natural state is one of health, happiness and inner well-being. This means that the body is free from toxins, organs function normally, the mind is at peace and emotions are well balanced and positive. Unfortunately, with the pressure of daily life, over the time, toxins build up in the body causing both physical and mental ailments. Panchkarma can reverse these negative effects and restore a natural state of health and wellness by cleansing the body from toxins, restoring balance to the system and improving bodily functions.