ayurvedic skin treatments

Ayurvedic Skin Treatments

Ayurvedic skin treatments best if you suffering with any skin diseases. According to Ayurveda, the skin has seven layers, located not only superficially but extending to the deeper levels of the body. Skin disease is, mostly, rooted deeply into various dhatus or tissues like fat, muscles, blood, etc. Most skin treatments are generally external applications like creams or oils. These, however, never reach the deeper layers of the skin. As a result, the symptoms disappear temporarily, and the disease is not rooted out permanently.

Ayurveda always tries to root out the disease by treating it specifically according to its cause. As the disease is deep-seated it is difficult to fix the problem quickly. Ayurvedic skin treatments may take a few weeks to remove the symptoms but the diseases are treated permanently by doing shodhna therapies Udwarthana,Pizhichil, Kashaya Dhara ,sugandhit snana , sarvanga lepa, rakta mokshna etc.

These therapies by opening up the channels and expelling the metabolic waste through the body and skin. And also Blood Letting using leech was also done to remove the stagnant blood over affected area Effective treatment are there in our panchkarma center for Lichen Planus, Chronic Eczema, Chronic Urticaria, Acne Vulgaris, Skin Allergy, etc.

Skin is the most critical outer layer of the body, which is also delegated. Even minor skin problems can lead to significant problems in the future; hence, it is essential to treat it from the roots carefully. Our skin is not just an outer layer of the body but also a safety guard from harmful rays, dust, and much more. Most skin diseases are born and caused by Harmon changes, aging, allergy or sun exposure.

Many people prefer some creams or chemicals as primary treatment, which cause damage to tissues. Using chemicals or creams available over the counter in the market can leave harmful side effects, and can cause permanent damage but Ayurvedic skin treatments are very gentle, natural, nourishing in nature, and without side effects.

As per Ayurveda for skin health, internal health and nourishment are most important. Also, tri dosha balance is the most required thing in the body for a healthy flawless glowing skin.

Reach out Ketav’s Ayush health Paradise for the best Ayurvedic skin care treatment.

We not only treat external skin issues but make your skin healthy disease free with the classical ayurvedic Panchkarma therapies. These Panchkarma treatment work on the detoxification, tridosha equilibrium and rejuvenation of tissues. These therapies are nourishing in nature and revive your damaged skin as per your natural constitution.

Ayurvedic Skin Treatments:

  • Even tone skin.
  • Natural glow
  • Improved complexion
  • Improved circulation
  • Skin issues like dryness flakes, redness, patches, hyperpigmentation, acne, etc get resolved
  • It works as anti-aging therapy for the skin and prevents age spots.

Ayurveda always tries to root out the disease by treating it specifically according to its cause. As the disease is deep-seated it is difficult to fix the problem quickly.

Ayurvedic skin treatments may take a few weeks to remove the symptoms but the diseases are treated permanently by doing shodhna therapies and other classical Ayurvedic therapies like; Udwarthana,Pizhichil, Kashaya Dhara ,sugandhit snana , sarvanga lepa, rakta mokshna etc. These therapies by opening up the channels and expelling the metabolic waste or toxin make the skin healthy and disease free.

Also balance of three doshas is the main focus of Ayurvedic treatment for skin conditions. Numerous organic herbs are helpful in Ayurveda for treating several skin conditions and easing their symptoms. Ayurvedic treatments include a balanced diet, lifestyle changes, and stress reduction. These can aid in the natural treatment of a variety of skin conditions.

Here at Ketav’s Ayush Health Paradise, we treat many skin issues with Panchkarma therapies and provide you with the best Ayurvedic Skin treatment.

We do treatments for skin issues like;

Eczema, Psoriasis, Pityriasis Rosea, Lichen Planus, Erythroderma,  Photosensitivity, Pruritus, Leucoderma , skin allergies, Acne, Impetigo, Carbuncles, Cellulites, Erysipelas, seborrheic dermatitis, Hives, Cold sores, Fungal nails infection, Candidacies, Athlete’s foot, Age spots and wrinkles, Sunburns, Skin pigmentations, etc.

Toxins that accumulate in the body are eliminated through panchakarma for skin conditions. It includes five main kinds of purification: detoxification, weight loss, healing, and rejuvenation. Samana and sadhana sessions are among the treatments. Kashaya, or medicated lubricants, are consumed as part of Samana therapy. The elimination of toxins through skin pores and blood circulation are improved by therapeutic oil massage.

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