Dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis is an imbalance between the types of organism present in body’s natural microflora, especially that of the gut. Dysbiosis is most commonly reported as a condition in the gastrointestinal tract, particularly during small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or small intestinal fungal overgrowth.
We have a huge amount of bacteria and fungi living in our digestive tract. We think these micro-biome don’t do anything. But it is not true researches have shown most of these microorganisms have a positive effect on our health and contribute to many of body’s natural processes, like:
- They prevent bad bacterial to grow inside.
- They make vitamins and other important nutrients for us.
- Breaking down fiber and cellulose into valuable compounds.
- They interact with our immune system to keep it normal and under control.
- They may even control our mood and behavior, as gut bacteria have been shown
to release neurotransmitters.
Any disturbance to the normal content that could disrupt the symbiotic relationship between the host and these microbes is Dysbiosis . Also this disruption can result in diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease and other gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, including gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and even gastric and colon cancer.
Even though dysbiosis originates in the gut, one can have it without having any noticeable digestive symptoms. Often times, many of the symptoms of gut
dysbiosis do not manifest in the gut viz brain fog, depression, anxiety, insomnia, skin issues, fatigue, allergies, and autoimmunity can also present due gut dysbiosis.
What are the causes of Dysbiosis?
As explained above any interruption in the balance of microbiota can cause dysbiosis. It can manifest secondary to some health issues like gut diseases such as colitis, Candida infection, celiac disease, diabetes etc. Also,
- A dietary change that increases your intake of high protein, sugar or food additives
- Accidental chemical consumption, such as lingering pesticides on unwashed fruit or vegetables.
- Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- Medications such as antibiotics, affectgut flora.
- Poor dental hygiene can cause bacteria to grow out of balance in your mouth.
- Staying under stress or anxiety for a long time, can make immune system weak which can easily leads to dysbiosis.
- Unprotected sex can also exposepersonto harmful bacteria.
What are the types of Dysbiosis?
It is more commonly occurs in gastrointestinal tract – often resulting in inflation of the gut lining which can lead to gut lining becoming permeable called leaky gut.
Dysbiosis can also occur on skin and in genitalia – where colonies of bacteria exist and can be causes by any change to the normal balance of microbiota. Often it is either a result of exposure to harmful bacteria or the uncontrolled growth of a single particular kind of bacteria.
What are the sign and symptoms of Dysbiosis?
Dysbiosis leads to a sequence of events furtherleading to inflammation, followed by a many below mentioned symptoms.
- Frequent gas or bloating.
- Cramping, urgency to go sometime mucus in the stool.
- Brain fog, anxiety, depression.
- Food sensitivities.
- Chronic bad breath.
- Loose stool, diarrhea, constipation, or a combination.
- May presence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) as associated issue.
- History of gastroenteritis, and/or food poisoning.
- Carbohydrate intolerance, particularly after eating fiber or beans.
- Fatigue or low energy.
- Autoimmunity or an autoimmune condition may be present as associated issue.
- Sinus congestion.
- Few other symptoms like nausea, chest pain, rashes or redness on skin, difficulty in urination and vaginal or rectal itching are also notices in few cases.
What are the risk factors associated with Dysbiosis?
This is not necessary dysboiosis patient have primarily digestive system issues. Even those who arehaving a perfect digestive system they may have dysbiosis. Sometimes dysbiosis is silent gut-wise, while still causing trouble in other areas of your body.
Here are a few examples:
- Hormonal imbalance – we know that certain bacteria encourage an imbalance in hormones.
- Autoimmune diseases show clear links to overgrowth of some bacteria.
- Joint aches and pains can be caused by leaky gut, which is usually a consequence of some kind of imbalance in the gastrointestinal micro biota.
- Neurological and psychiatric disease is being traced back to problems with our microbes.
- Weight loss resistance is often a consequence of over (or under) growth of the bacterial flora.
What are the investigations to diagnose Dysbiosis?
Organic acids test
A urine sample is tested for the growth bacteria by certain acids that bacteria can produce. If these acid levels are abnormal it means that certain bacteria are out of balance.
Comprehensive digestive stool analysis (CDSA)
A sample of stool is tested for the presence of bacteria, yeast or fungi overgrowth.
Hydrogen breath test
A sugar solution is given to drink and breathe into a special balloon. The air in the balloon can then be tested for gases produced by bacteria. Too much or too little of certain gases can indicate a bacterial imbalance. This test is often used to test for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
What is Ayurvedic view of dysbiosis?
As per Ayurveda proper diet followed by proper digestion is one of the major pillars of healthy living.
Ayurveda says most of diseases arise from the presence of “ama”, a toxic by-product of poor digestion. Improper diet and improper digestive fire results in improperly digested food material that is the Ama. This Ama blocks the channels and results in deviation of physiological process and intiate the pathological changes in body by further vitiating the three doshas ( vata, pita and khapha ) which produce various kind of sign and
Ama produced due to above said causes produce signs and symptoms like clogging of channels, sense of heaviness, low energy, restlessness, lethargy, indigestion, congestion/expectoration, accumulation of waste, loss of taste and sexual debility etc.
This ama is also produced at deeper levels of the physiology, including the cellular level metabolism. Excessive formation of ama ( can be compare to free radicals) can cause damage to cells and start the disease process. Free radicals are believed to be causative agents in nearly every disease same thing said for ama in ayurveda.
Our approach to deal with Dysbiosis
To handle these kinds of issues we need to dig out the root cause and treat the cause, which is responsible for this disharmony in the body. Also to check reoccurrence we need to follow certain rules and habits to maintain the balance. While planning treatment for dysboisis we follow step by step protocol as below:
- Correct the digestive fire for optimal functioning of the G.I. tract.
- Remove or expel out, the disease producing toxins from the body.
- Maintain the mucosal integrity.
- Achieve a balanced micro flora.
- n take of Rasayanas and strictly follow the Ahara- vihara (diet and life style).
Here at ketav’s Ayush Health Paradise, we follow a classical approach to treat dysbiosis. A planed treatment for 21 days corrects the imbalances and sets the physiology back.
With the help of ayurvedic pachkarma therapies toxins are expelled out of the body and then rejuvenations therapies and oral medications are followed to repair the damages and sets the normal physiology.
Also to maintain the dosha balance and regain the strength back, oral medication and diet and life style instructions are given as the follow up treatments.
Panchkarma roots off all the toxins from body and mind, fight aging and gives longevity of life