
jaundicee- panchakarma treatment


Jaundice is a disease caused due to vitiation of the pitta dosha. It is called as kamala. When there is an excessive circulation of the bile pigments in the blood,…

Blood Pressure Ayurvedic Treatment

Blood Pressure

Hypertension (known as Rakta Gata Vata in Ayurveda) is elevated pressure of the blood in the arteries. The increase in blood pressure depends upon a person’s age, sex, physical and…

ayurvedic medicine


According to Ayurveda, Psoriasis or Mandal is caused by an imbalance in the Pitta Dosha. Pitta symbolizes fire and is heating in nature; it usually gets imbalanced due to faulty…

ayurvedic treatment


Epilepsy or Apasmara in Ayurveda is a neurological disorder characterized by sudden recurring fits of seizures with or without loss of conscience. It is a neurological disorder which can occur…

ayurvedic treatment for arthritis


Fibromyalgia disorder came to picture. It is regarded as a chronic condition associated with the experience of non-inflammatory pain and tenderness in muscles, ligaments, joints and fatigue. Fibromyalgia is a…

Ayurvedic Treatment for Back Pain

Back Pain? Ayurveda Has the Ancient Answer

As per Ayurveda that low back pain is a result of vitiation of one of the three principal ‘doshas’ alone or sometime in combinations. ‘Kateegraham’/’Prishtasoola’ or low back pain is…

panchakarma treatment for depression


From the Ayurvedic point of view, most depression is a dosha imbalance that is the culmination of kapha, vata and then pitta going out of balance. Initially the brain’s electrochemistry…

pancha karma

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition in which person keeps on feeling tired the whole day even without exertion. This condition is common in the females of age 30-50, generally…

asthma ayurvedic treatment

Asthma Ayurvedic Treatment

In this age of pollution, asthma is a common problem. It is an ongoing, chronic inflammation illness of the airways. Variable and recurring symptoms are its defining traits, and it…

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